New Year's Eve Run
On the last day of the year at noon more than 2 thousand people took part in the 13th Cracow's New Year's Eve Run. Adults and children wearing funny costumes ran through the city. There were two routes - 5 km or 10 km. I took the shorter distance. I got to the finishing line in 30 minutes and 21 seconds. I got a medal, a rose and a small bottle of champagne.
W 2016 roku wybiegałam 1.896,75 kilometrów. Brałam udział w 18 biegach na różnych dystansach (1 km, 1,5 km, 2,5 km, 3 razy 3 km, 3,5 km, 4,2 km, 6 razy 5 km, 6,4 km, 8 km, 9 km oraz 2 razy 10 km). Zdobyłam 17 medali i krawat. Osiągnęłam więcej niż się spodziewałam i poznałam wielu fantastycznych ludzi.
In 2016 I ran 1.896,75 kilometers. I took part in 18 runs (distance: 1 km, 1,5 km, 2,5 km, 3 km, 3,5 km, 4,2 km, 5 km, 6,4 km, 8 km, 9 km and 10 km). I got 17 medals and a tie. I achieved more than I expected. I met many nice people and I had a lot of fun.
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