It's a nice place for a walk with your family or friends. There is a beach and a place where you can dive or have a picnic. There are paths for cyclists and for strollers. You can also climb rocks or explore small caves. There are lots of fruit trees and flowers there.
Biegiem na Zakrzówek
Trasa krótka ale bardzo wymagająca. Podbiegi, ścieżki piaszczyste, kamieniste lub z wystającymi korzeniami oraz krótki odcinek drogi asfaltowej. Mimo wysokiej temperatury i tak zróżnicowanej nawierzchni udało mi się pokonać trasę w 21 minut i 58 sekund.
Było super.
Cross-country race in Zakrzówek
It was a difficult run. The paths were narrow, full of stones, roots or sand, going up and down the hill. Despite the hot weather, I managed to cover the distance in 21 minutes and 58 seconds. I had great fun.
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